Thursday, September 3, 2020

Post-operative pain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Post-usable torment the board - Essay Example This paper wills address the post employable administration of agony for individuals who have experienced absolute knee substitution Surgery. The resultant physiotherapy and required activities can bring about patients encountering considerable measures of agony. Agony implies injury to the body and might be as consequence of tissue harm from injury, medical procedure, and illnesses. Torment causes inconvenience, stability, and different natural reactions that restrain ordinary working of the body and its administration turns into an important apparatus in nursing (Alfred, 2007). After all out knee top substitution medical procedure, viable help with discomfort measures are important for altruistic reasons and to encourage a compelling postoperative recuperation, which requires escalated physiotherapy to diminish recuperation time and encourage versatility in many patients. Various individuals have various resiliences for agony and it is important to consider the individual patients before initiating on a post activity help with discomfort plan. Other significant contemplations that must be considered incorporate clinical components, tolerant related elements, and nearby factors. Post usable nursing care for patients who have experienced all out knee substitution may incorporate a mix of different techniques including instruction, evaluation of agony, pharmacological, and non-pharmacological interventions.â Agony the executives is profoundly incorporated and instilled in medication and is particularly significant in patients who have experienced major and minor medical procedures. Absolute knee substitution medical procedure is never really torment in the knees and is exceptionally fruitful in reestablishing versatility. Despite the fact that costly, it is monetarily legitimate because of expanded versatility that diminishes dependence on different individuals from the general public. The methodology brings about post employable agony, which if not very much oversaw can prompt incessant torments and handicap (Eccleston, 2011). Post employable agony the executives rehearses are frequently prevented by costs,

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wiccan religion: The Goddess and Gods of the Wiccan Religion :: Essays Papers

Wiccan religion: The Goddess and Gods of the Wiccan Religion Wicca is the most pervasive type of reconstructionist neo-agnosticism in the United States and is the pre-Christian otherworldliness of the Celtic people groups who lived in the British Isles and Brittany and on the western shoreline of France. Wicca is a religion dependent on profound individual comprehension of oneself and the multi-section in which one dwells. They work with the Gods and Goddess that call to us, and we create associations with them that help and bolster them in their advancement. Wicca is a profound way, a method of seeing the world and Divinity, and our relationship to it. They accept that Goddess is up and coming in our general surroundings. Goddess pervades each living thing, and the greater part of them characterize rocks, soil, water, air, fire, and the plant herself as living things. The God of Wicca is the Horned God, the old God of Fertility: the God of the backwoods, group, and field and furthermore of the chase. He is Lord of Life, and the Giver of Life, yet he is likewise Lord of Death and Resurrection. Wicca is viewed as an extreme confidence despite noteworthy quantities of goddess gives who are amazingly traditionalist in their ways of life and the fundamentals they hold. The wiccan religion isn't exclusively a women’s confidence. While their are ladies just groupings, and ladies drove, or ladies dominating ones, there are similarly the same number of blended sexual orientation groupings, in some of which men are prevailing. There are likewise various solitaries, the two ladies and men. In Wicca, professionals notice the heavenly duality of the genders in nature and in themselves, and love the Divine as both God and the Goddess. Most current Wiccans feel that while the God and Goddess are isolated and equivalent, there are likewise two separate sides of a similar coin: across the board. And all that they see, contact, feel, hear, or sense is Holy. The Goddess is known as The Powerful Lady Mother every one of whom could show up in many, pretenses relying upon the individual needs of the individual conjuring them. The God is known as the Horned God. The Horned God is the gathering soul of the pursued creature, summoned by the crude shaman and the clan. The Goddess, regardless of whether Gentle Lady-Mother or roaring and Powerful Seductress has never truly been extensively joined explicitly to a creature structure as much as the God seemed to be.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay

Overseeing Diversity in the Workplace Essay Overseeing Diversity in the Workplace Essay Example Overseeing Diversity in the Workplace Essay Example Individuals contrast from multiple points of view as per social classes/status, conjugal status, sex, age, sexual direction, and incapacities. These distinctions can be obvious or undetectable. Human asset the board recognizes these distinctions and realizes that workforce assorted variety is a reality in each association. Various nations have distinctive overwhelming workforce decent variety issues. In the ongoing past, be that as it may, the prevalent decent variety issue overall was sex disparity. Ladies were seen and treated as second rate compared to men. After some time, this issue has been revised, despite the fact that there are networks where ladies are as yet weak and subverted. In the present world, other assorted variety issues have come up, for example, religion and race/ethnicity. For instance, in China, rustic vagrants are looked downward on and abuseed in the work environment by their urban partners. The human asset branch of each association must guarantee that the p ositive parts of decent variety in the work environment are valued and that no one is treated as a below average representative simply because they are unique in relation to different laborers. This paper gives an investigation of different issues encompassing decent variety in HR and proposes the executives rules to advance prosperity of everybody in the association. Expanding Diversity in the Workplace In the advanced work environment, significant issues concerning social liberties are racial correspondence and sexual orientation value. Nonetheless, these are by all account not the only issues that faculty the board thinks about when they concoct assorted variety activities in their associations. Different components that need tending to assorted variety in the working environment incorporate age, handicaps, and laborers thinking about debilitated family members. This has required establishment of different laws to assist with cooking for these employees’ needs, for instance, the Age Discrimination Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Family Medical Leave Act. Different elements that expansion decent variety in the working environment incorporate social, strict, and semantic contrasts among representatives (Marquis, 2007). In spite of expanding assorted variety in the working environment, the human asset the executives has the obligation regarding encouraging a solid workplace in their associations. Their errand is to verify that the association is agreeable with the counter separation laws of the state. Moreover, they should encourage the advancement of a situation where individuals of various societies, ages, sex, race, and religion cooperate amicably to accomplish the objectives of the association (Beham, Straub, Schwalbach, 2012). Significant Issues in Human Resource Diversity Management A few firms with assorted workforce contend that they are differing in HR since they have representatives, the two people, of different religions, races, and skin hues. In any case, as a general rule, in spite of the way that they have various workforce, openings vary. Such imbalance prompts a circumstance where a specific gathering is supported when, for instance, advancements are given. In addition, one discovers that in certain associations just a particular gathering of individuals can be in top administrative situations due to, possibly, their race, shading, or religion. To deal with these cases, there must be a law/strategy that tends to such inclinations. The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) arrangement ensures representatives against segregation in the work environment. It necessitates that all representatives have similar open doors for enlistment, terminating, moves, compensation/pay rates, and advancements regardless of their skin shading, sex, race, national beginning, or religion. The arrangement, which was passed into law in the United States in 1964, likewise expresses that separation in the grouping of positions and promoting is unlawful. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission handles all issues that emerge in this field (Kossek, Lobel, Brown , 2005). Assorted variety the board in HR tries to outfit contrasts in the workforce to guarantee that singular abilities are used ideally to meet the objectives of the association. Each organization should work with various gifts among its stuff to ensure that authoritative objectives are met in the most productive manner. This implies, rather than focusing on segregation, the human asset office should know the qualities of every worker and where they can work most effectively so the points of the association are accomplished. It is essential to take note of that decent variety the board attempts to defeat segregation in the work advertise by tending to singular contrasts that are well on the way to carry disparity to the working environment. It additionally features the significance of regarding and exploiting those individual contrasts to augment the capability of the laborers and the association when all is said in done. This distinctively shows decent variety the board in human asset act s, past the EOO approach, just requires a legitimate consistence (Kossek, Lobel, Brown , 2005). Destinations of Diversity Management Associations actualizing human asset assorted variety the executives try to accomplish upper hand in the market. Their fundamental target is to consent to the necessities of EEO strategy. This is the fundamental thought for most organizations. Be that as it may, others go above and beyond and target using decent variety the executives to accomplish worker fascination and maintenance. More likely than not, representatives will work in associations where their individual contrasts are regarded and not utilized as a reason for separation. Hence, associations that advance decent variety the executives have a higher degree of consistency since their staff is increasingly open to working there when contrasted with different associations where their disparities realize segregation (Golembiewski, 1995). Also, an association can utilize assorted variety the executives to improve advertising capacities. This arrangement applies where assorted specialists present a decent picture of the associa tion to the outside world. Thusly, this goes about as a promoting methodology for the organization. Actually, look into shows that assorted variety the executives diminishes non-attendance among the staff. Clearly, this happens in light of the fact that individuals feel spurred and acknowledged, subsequently there is work fulfillment. This is not at all like associations with ‘dominant and ‘less prevailing gatherings. In such organizations, work fulfillment levels are very low of those people who originate from less prevailing gatherings when contrasted with those in the predominant ones. Thusly, not permitting and acknowledging decent variety in HR influences work fulfillment and blocks the chance of sound working connections among colleagues and directors (Beham, Straub, Schwalbach, 2012). Successful assorted variety the executives additionally targets advancing more noteworthy inventiveness and advancement. A different group takes into consideration increasingly shrewd methods of taking care of issues, cultivating development and inventiveness in the association. On the off chance that the organization doesn't value the assorted variety of its HR, at that point there is a great deal of unbending nature in the manner they work since they utilize just a single viewpoint. Inclusion of extra points of view, which includes assorted variety the executives, will expand the extent of deduction among laborers and the board, upgrading innovativeness and advancement. This is an incredible bit of leeway to the association that will control its development and guarantee that the objectives are achieved (Golembiewski, 1995). Regular Practices in Human Resource Diversity Management Human asset the executives has a few capacities that are planned for keeping up and coordinating HR of the association. Assorted variety the board can be fused alongside these capacities to create a compelling mix of approaches. The conversation beneath is an examination of human asset the board capacities joined with assorted variety the executives. Enrollment and Selection of Employees Assorted variety the executives during the time spent enlisting and choosing representatives involves giving everybody an equivalent opportunity to enter the association. This implies, for instance, ladies and other minority bunches must be dealt with decently. In the cutting edge world, this is an expanding pattern after different laws with respect to equity in the work environment have been established. An association that acknowledges assorted variety in enrollment of its workers makes a decent picture, consequently winning new clients. Every now and then, a few nations like South Africa utilize the Affirmative Action (AA) arrangement to support the arrangement of dark individuals above better-qualified whites in an offer to address past discriminative strategies. These endeavors should give equivalent chances to both the blacks and whites since at first administration positions in the nation were saved for the whites. These endeavors have yielded natural product as right now ther e is a higher level of blacks in administrative situations in South Africa (Cartwright, 2002). Preparing and Development of Employees Decent variety the executives in preparing and improvement of representatives requests give a reasonable possibility for each worker to excel from an association. Beforehand, on account of South Africa, the blacks were denied open doors for progressing in their vocations since there was an imposing business model on talented work among the whites. This implied blacks didn't get an opportunity to learn administrative abilities by apprenticeship. The Affirmative Action Programs have fathomed this issue. Different nations with a solid womanliness culture have higher rates of ladies in administrative situations when contrasted with nations where male pettiness wins (Kossek, Lobel, Brown , 2005). In spite of an overall call for decent variety in preparing and improvement of workers, the pace of ladies and other minority bunches is still very low. Almost certainly, the administration of associations where decent variety the board isn't acknowledged will advance representatives with comparable perspectives to a place of a human asset

Monday, June 8, 2020

UCLA Anderson MBA Application Essay Tips and Deadlines [2019-2020]

Accepted’s B-School Selectivity Index shows that UCLA Anderson is 14th in selectivity and 16th in U.S. News’ ranking. Its average GMAT is 716, up one point from last year and the year before. However, the acceptance rate at Anderson has climbed a bit from 20.7% for the class that entered in 2016 to 22.3% for the class that entered in 2017 to 24.3% for the class that entered in 2018. Even that increased acceptance rate means 3 out of every 4 applicants are rejected. So let’s look at advice for submitting a stellar application, which requires a 500-word goals essay and a 300-word short answer. In essence, the longer question is about how you intend to benefit professionally from an Anderson MBA and the short question asks how you will benefit the Anderson community: What will you get from and what will you give to Anderson -and I don’t mean donations as an alum? The essay advice that UCLA Anderson provides on its website is excellent, not just for Anderson’s essays, but for most MBA essays. Read it carefully. Our advice is in blue below. UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application UCLA Anderson MBA short answer questions for new applicants Tell us about your MBA goals AND why you are applying to UCLA Anderson now: Describe your short term and long term goals (150 words maximum) Why is UCLA Anderson a good school for you? (150 words maximum) Anderson has reduced its maximum for this question from 500 to 300 words. There is absolutely no room verbosity.   Make sure this essay shows that you’re already a member of the Anderson community by virtue of your values and experience. You just haven’t yet paid tuition. First think about Anderson’s motto: Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change. Read the stories and posts that Anderson provides on each of those values. Watch the relevant videos. Think about the ways you can show that those values are your values while answering the question. To respond to the question itself, first make sure you have professional direction that makes sense. Your short-term goals should be achievable given what you’ve done in the past and an Anderson MBA. Your long-term goals should flow naturally from your short-term goals. If you can fit into the 150 words your motivation for these goals or influences upon their development, go for it A great way to approach this essay would be to discuss an achievement that influenced your goals and reveals you acting in consonance with Anderson’s values (Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change.). Then connect that story to your goals   In the second part of the question, you will discuss UCLA Anderson’s program and your reasons for choosing its MBA program. The focus should organically be on the specific elements and qualities at Anderson that will help you achieve your goals. Avoid writing about elements that Anderson shares with most MBA program. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for new applicants At Anderson, we believe our students are engaged, courageous, humble, and open. Describe a time when you demonstrated one of these traits in your personal life. (250 words maximum) This is a new question and it is a behavioral question First choose an experience that shows you exhibiting one of the traits listed. It could be a challenge you faced with humility, an achievement where you took risks, a community service activity were your participation was key, or many other situations. It should be a succinct story or anecdote from your personal life not your job. It can be about a community service involvement or a personal situation. It can show you involved and committed to the arts, sports, an ethnic, religious, or political group or cause. The options are endless. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for reapplicants Please describe your career progress since you last applied and how you have enhanced your candidacy. Include information on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (500 words maximum) This is the key question in every MBA reapplication: How have you enhanced your candidacy? Career progress is an obvious place to start and something you must address, but if academics were a weakness, then what have you done since you last applied to show you can excel at Anderson? Finally, if your career goals have evolved since you last applied, discuss that evolution. UCLA Anderson MBA optional question (available to all applicants) Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. If there are extenuating circumstances that would add perspective or context for a weakness, you can discuss them here. A few years ago, UCLA added the following: â€Å"Please do not submit redundant information in the Optional Essay.† Good advice for all optional questions. For more suggestions, please see Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them. For expert guidance with your UCLA Anderson MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to UCLA Anderson’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! ; UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released   Round 1 October 2, 2019 December 18, 2019   Round 2 January 8, 2020 March 26, 2020   Round 3 April 16, 2020 May 21, 2020 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The  Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  5 Fatal Flaws to  Avoid in Your MBA Application Essay, a free guide †¢ Why Does an MD Need an MBA? This UCLA MD/MBA Student Tells All, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚  The B-School Selectivity Index: Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive UCLA Anderson MBA Application Essay Tips and Deadlines [2019-2020] Accepted’s B-School Selectivity Index shows that UCLA Anderson is 14th in selectivity and 16th in U.S. News’ ranking. Its average GMAT is 716, up one point from last year and the year before. However, the acceptance rate at Anderson has climbed a bit from 20.7% for the class that entered in 2016 to 22.3% for the class that entered in 2017 to 24.3% for the class that entered in 2018. Even that increased acceptance rate means 3 out of every 4 applicants are rejected. So let’s look at advice for submitting a stellar application, which requires a 500-word goals essay and a 300-word short answer. In essence, the longer question is about how you intend to benefit professionally from an Anderson MBA and the short question asks how you will benefit the Anderson community: What will you get from and what will you give to Anderson -and I don’t mean donations as an alum? The essay advice that UCLA Anderson provides on its website is excellent, not just for Anderson’s essays, but for most MBA essays. Read it carefully. Our advice is in blue below. UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application UCLA Anderson MBA short answer questions for new applicants Tell us about your MBA goals AND why you are applying to UCLA Anderson now: Describe your short term and long term goals (150 words maximum) Why is UCLA Anderson a good school for you? (150 words maximum) Anderson has reduced its maximum for this question from 500 to 300 words. There is absolutely no room verbosity.   Make sure this essay shows that you’re already a member of the Anderson community by virtue of your values and experience. You just haven’t yet paid tuition. First think about Anderson’s motto: Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change. Read the stories and posts that Anderson provides on each of those values. Watch the relevant videos. Think about the ways you can show that those values are your values while answering the question. To respond to the question itself, first make sure you have professional direction that makes sense. Your short-term goals should be achievable given what you’ve done in the past and an Anderson MBA. Your long-term goals should flow naturally from your short-term goals. If you can fit into the 150 words your motivation for these goals or influences upon their development, go for it A great way to approach this essay would be to discuss an achievement that influenced your goals and reveals you acting in consonance with Anderson’s values (Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change.). Then connect that story to your goals   In the second part of the question, you will discuss UCLA Anderson’s program and your reasons for choosing its MBA program. The focus should organically be on the specific elements and qualities at Anderson that will help you achieve your goals. Avoid writing about elements that Anderson shares with most MBA program. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for new applicants At Anderson, we believe our students are engaged, courageous, humble, and open. Describe a time when you demonstrated one of these traits in your personal life. (250 words maximum) This is a new question and it is a behavioral question First choose an experience that shows you exhibiting one of the traits listed. It could be a challenge you faced with humility, an achievement where you took risks, a community service activity were your participation was key, or many other situations. It should be a succinct story or anecdote from your personal life not your job. It can be about a community service involvement or a personal situation. It can show you involved and committed to the arts, sports, an ethnic, religious, or political group or cause. The options are endless. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for reapplicants Please describe your career progress since you last applied and how you have enhanced your candidacy. Include information on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (500 words maximum) This is the key question in every MBA reapplication: How have you enhanced your candidacy? Career progress is an obvious place to start and something you must address, but if academics were a weakness, then what have you done since you last applied to show you can excel at Anderson? Finally, if your career goals have evolved since you last applied, discuss that evolution. UCLA Anderson MBA optional question (available to all applicants) Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. If there are extenuating circumstances that would add perspective or context for a weakness, you can discuss them here. A few years ago, UCLA added the following: â€Å"Please do not submit redundant information in the Optional Essay.† Good advice for all optional questions. For more suggestions, please see Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them. For expert guidance with your UCLA Anderson MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to UCLA Anderson’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! ; UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released   Round 1 October 2, 2019 December 18, 2019   Round 2 January 8, 2020 March 26, 2020   Round 3 April 16, 2020 May 21, 2020 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The  Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  5 Fatal Flaws to  Avoid in Your MBA Application Essay, a free guide †¢ Why Does an MD Need an MBA? This UCLA MD/MBA Student Tells All, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚  The B-School Selectivity Index: Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive UCLA Anderson MBA Application Essay Tips and Deadlines [2019-2020] Accepted’s B-School Selectivity Index shows that UCLA Anderson is 14th in selectivity and 16th in U.S. News’ ranking. Its average GMAT is 716, up one point from last year and the year before. However, the acceptance rate at Anderson has climbed a bit from 20.7% for the class that entered in 2016 to 22.3% for the class that entered in 2017 to 24.3% for the class that entered in 2018. Even that increased acceptance rate means 3 out of every 4 applicants are rejected. So let’s look at advice for submitting a stellar application, which requires a 500-word goals essay and a 300-word short answer. In essence, the longer question is about how you intend to benefit professionally from an Anderson MBA and the short question asks how you will benefit the Anderson community: What will you get from and what will you give to Anderson -and I don’t mean donations as an alum? The essay advice that UCLA Anderson provides on its website is excellent, not just for Anderson’s essays, but for most MBA essays. Read it carefully. Our advice is in blue below. UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application UCLA Anderson MBA short answer questions for new applicants Tell us about your MBA goals AND why you are applying to UCLA Anderson now: Describe your short term and long term goals (150 words maximum) Why is UCLA Anderson a good school for you? (150 words maximum) Anderson has reduced its maximum for this question from 500 to 300 words. There is absolutely no room verbosity.   Make sure this essay shows that you’re already a member of the Anderson community by virtue of your values and experience. You just haven’t yet paid tuition. First think about Anderson’s motto: Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change. Read the stories and posts that Anderson provides on each of those values. Watch the relevant videos. Think about the ways you can show that those values are your values while answering the question. To respond to the question itself, first make sure you have professional direction that makes sense. Your short-term goals should be achievable given what you’ve done in the past and an Anderson MBA. Your long-term goals should flow naturally from your short-term goals. If you can fit into the 150 words your motivation for these goals or influences upon their development, go for it A great way to approach this essay would be to discuss an achievement that influenced your goals and reveals you acting in consonance with Anderson’s values (Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change.). Then connect that story to your goals   In the second part of the question, you will discuss UCLA Anderson’s program and your reasons for choosing its MBA program. The focus should organically be on the specific elements and qualities at Anderson that will help you achieve your goals. Avoid writing about elements that Anderson shares with most MBA program. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for new applicants At Anderson, we believe our students are engaged, courageous, humble, and open. Describe a time when you demonstrated one of these traits in your personal life. (250 words maximum) This is a new question and it is a behavioral question First choose an experience that shows you exhibiting one of the traits listed. It could be a challenge you faced with humility, an achievement where you took risks, a community service activity were your participation was key, or many other situations. It should be a succinct story or anecdote from your personal life not your job. It can be about a community service involvement or a personal situation. It can show you involved and committed to the arts, sports, an ethnic, religious, or political group or cause. The options are endless. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for reapplicants Please describe your career progress since you last applied and how you have enhanced your candidacy. Include information on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (500 words maximum) This is the key question in every MBA reapplication: How have you enhanced your candidacy? Career progress is an obvious place to start and something you must address, but if academics were a weakness, then what have you done since you last applied to show you can excel at Anderson? Finally, if your career goals have evolved since you last applied, discuss that evolution. UCLA Anderson MBA optional question (available to all applicants) Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. If there are extenuating circumstances that would add perspective or context for a weakness, you can discuss them here. A few years ago, UCLA added the following: â€Å"Please do not submit redundant information in the Optional Essay.† Good advice for all optional questions. For more suggestions, please see Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them. For expert guidance with your UCLA Anderson MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to UCLA Anderson’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! ; UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released   Round 1 October 2, 2019 December 18, 2019   Round 2 January 8, 2020 March 26, 2020   Round 3 April 16, 2020 May 21, 2020 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The  Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  5 Fatal Flaws to  Avoid in Your MBA Application Essay, a free guide †¢ Why Does an MD Need an MBA? This UCLA MD/MBA Student Tells All, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚  The B-School Selectivity Index: Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive UCLA Anderson MBA Application Essay Tips and Deadlines [2019-2020] Accepted’s B-School Selectivity Index shows that UCLA Anderson is 14th in selectivity and 16th in U.S. News’ ranking. Its average GMAT is 716, up one point from last year and the year before. However, the acceptance rate at Anderson has climbed a bit from 20.7% for the class that entered in 2016 to 22.3% for the class that entered in 2017 to 24.3% for the class that entered in 2018. Even that increased acceptance rate means 3 out of every 4 applicants are rejected. So let’s look at advice for submitting a stellar application, which requires a 500-word goals essay and a 300-word short answer. In essence, the longer question is about how you intend to benefit professionally from an Anderson MBA and the short question asks how you will benefit the Anderson community: What will you get from and what will you give to Anderson -and I don’t mean donations as an alum? The essay advice that UCLA Anderson provides on its website is excellent, not just for Anderson’s essays, but for most MBA essays. Read it carefully. Our advice is in blue below. UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application UCLA Anderson MBA short answer questions for new applicants Tell us about your MBA goals AND why you are applying to UCLA Anderson now: Describe your short term and long term goals (150 words maximum) Why is UCLA Anderson a good school for you? (150 words maximum) Anderson has reduced its maximum for this question from 500 to 300 words. There is absolutely no room verbosity.   Make sure this essay shows that you’re already a member of the Anderson community by virtue of your values and experience. You just haven’t yet paid tuition. First think about Anderson’s motto: Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change. Read the stories and posts that Anderson provides on each of those values. Watch the relevant videos. Think about the ways you can show that those values are your values while answering the question. To respond to the question itself, first make sure you have professional direction that makes sense. Your short-term goals should be achievable given what you’ve done in the past and an Anderson MBA. Your long-term goals should flow naturally from your short-term goals. If you can fit into the 150 words your motivation for these goals or influences upon their development, go for it A great way to approach this essay would be to discuss an achievement that influenced your goals and reveals you acting in consonance with Anderson’s values (Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change.). Then connect that story to your goals   In the second part of the question, you will discuss UCLA Anderson’s program and your reasons for choosing its MBA program. The focus should organically be on the specific elements and qualities at Anderson that will help you achieve your goals. Avoid writing about elements that Anderson shares with most MBA program. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for new applicants At Anderson, we believe our students are engaged, courageous, humble, and open. Describe a time when you demonstrated one of these traits in your personal life. (250 words maximum) This is a new question and it is a behavioral question First choose an experience that shows you exhibiting one of the traits listed. It could be a challenge you faced with humility, an achievement where you took risks, a community service activity were your participation was key, or many other situations. It should be a succinct story or anecdote from your personal life not your job. It can be about a community service involvement or a personal situation. It can show you involved and committed to the arts, sports, an ethnic, religious, or political group or cause. The options are endless. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for reapplicants Please describe your career progress since you last applied and how you have enhanced your candidacy. Include information on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (500 words maximum) This is the key question in every MBA reapplication: How have you enhanced your candidacy? Career progress is an obvious place to start and something you must address, but if academics were a weakness, then what have you done since you last applied to show you can excel at Anderson? Finally, if your career goals have evolved since you last applied, discuss that evolution. UCLA Anderson MBA optional question (available to all applicants) Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. If there are extenuating circumstances that would add perspective or context for a weakness, you can discuss them here. A few years ago, UCLA added the following: â€Å"Please do not submit redundant information in the Optional Essay.† Good advice for all optional questions. For more suggestions, please see Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them. For expert guidance with your UCLA Anderson MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to UCLA Anderson’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! ; UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released   Round 1 October 2, 2019 December 18, 2019   Round 2 January 8, 2020 March 26, 2020   Round 3 April 16, 2020 May 21, 2020 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The  Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  5 Fatal Flaws to  Avoid in Your MBA Application Essay, a free guide †¢ Why Does an MD Need an MBA? This UCLA MD/MBA Student Tells All, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚  The B-School Selectivity Index: Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive UCLA Anderson MBA Application Essay Tips and Deadlines [2019-2020] Accepted’s B-School Selectivity Index shows that UCLA Anderson is 14th in selectivity and 16th in U.S. News’ ranking. Its average GMAT is 716, up one point from last year and the year before. However, the acceptance rate at Anderson has climbed a bit from 20.7% for the class that entered in 2016 to 22.3% for the class that entered in 2017 to 24.3% for the class that entered in 2018. Even that increased acceptance rate means 3 out of every 4 applicants are rejected. So let’s look at advice for submitting a stellar application, which requires a 500-word goals essay and a 300-word short answer. In essence, the longer question is about how you intend to benefit professionally from an Anderson MBA and the short question asks how you will benefit the Anderson community: What will you get from and what will you give to Anderson -and I don’t mean donations as an alum? The essay advice that UCLA Anderson provides on its website is excellent, not just for Anderson’s essays, but for most MBA essays. Read it carefully. Our advice is in blue below. UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application UCLA Anderson MBA short answer questions for new applicants Tell us about your MBA goals AND why you are applying to UCLA Anderson now: Describe your short term and long term goals (150 words maximum) Why is UCLA Anderson a good school for you? (150 words maximum) Anderson has reduced its maximum for this question from 500 to 300 words. There is absolutely no room verbosity.   Make sure this essay shows that you’re already a member of the Anderson community by virtue of your values and experience. You just haven’t yet paid tuition. First think about Anderson’s motto: Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change. Read the stories and posts that Anderson provides on each of those values. Watch the relevant videos. Think about the ways you can show that those values are your values while answering the question. To respond to the question itself, first make sure you have professional direction that makes sense. Your short-term goals should be achievable given what you’ve done in the past and an Anderson MBA. Your long-term goals should flow naturally from your short-term goals. If you can fit into the 150 words your motivation for these goals or influences upon their development, go for it A great way to approach this essay would be to discuss an achievement that influenced your goals and reveals you acting in consonance with Anderson’s values (Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change.). Then connect that story to your goals   In the second part of the question, you will discuss UCLA Anderson’s program and your reasons for choosing its MBA program. The focus should organically be on the specific elements and qualities at Anderson that will help you achieve your goals. Avoid writing about elements that Anderson shares with most MBA program. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for new applicants At Anderson, we believe our students are engaged, courageous, humble, and open. Describe a time when you demonstrated one of these traits in your personal life. (250 words maximum) This is a new question and it is a behavioral question First choose an experience that shows you exhibiting one of the traits listed. It could be a challenge you faced with humility, an achievement where you took risks, a community service activity were your participation was key, or many other situations. It should be a succinct story or anecdote from your personal life not your job. It can be about a community service involvement or a personal situation. It can show you involved and committed to the arts, sports, an ethnic, religious, or political group or cause. The options are endless. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for reapplicants Please describe your career progress since you last applied and how you have enhanced your candidacy. Include information on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (500 words maximum) This is the key question in every MBA reapplication: How have you enhanced your candidacy? Career progress is an obvious place to start and something you must address, but if academics were a weakness, then what have you done since you last applied to show you can excel at Anderson? Finally, if your career goals have evolved since you last applied, discuss that evolution. UCLA Anderson MBA optional question (available to all applicants) Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. If there are extenuating circumstances that would add perspective or context for a weakness, you can discuss them here. A few years ago, UCLA added the following: â€Å"Please do not submit redundant information in the Optional Essay.† Good advice for all optional questions. For more suggestions, please see Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them. For expert guidance with your UCLA Anderson MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to UCLA Anderson’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! ; UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released   Round 1 October 2, 2019 December 18, 2019   Round 2 January 8, 2020 March 26, 2020   Round 3 April 16, 2020 May 21, 2020 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The  Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  5 Fatal Flaws to  Avoid in Your MBA Application Essay, a free guide †¢ Why Does an MD Need an MBA? This UCLA MD/MBA Student Tells All, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚  The B-School Selectivity Index: Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive UCLA Anderson MBA Application Essay Tips and Deadlines [2019-2020] Accepted’s B-School Selectivity Index shows that UCLA Anderson is 14th in selectivity and 16th in U.S. News’ ranking. Its average GMAT is 716, up one point from last year and the year before. However, the acceptance rate at Anderson has climbed a bit from 20.7% for the class that entered in 2016 to 22.3% for the class that entered in 2017 to 24.3% for the class that entered in 2018. Even that increased acceptance rate means 3 out of every 4 applicants are rejected. So let’s look at advice for submitting a stellar application, which requires a 500-word goals essay and a 300-word short answer. In essence, the longer question is about how you intend to benefit professionally from an Anderson MBA and the short question asks how you will benefit the Anderson community: What will you get from and what will you give to Anderson -and I don’t mean donations as an alum? The essay advice that UCLA Anderson provides on its website is excellent, not just for Anderson’s essays, but for most MBA essays. Read it carefully. Our advice is in blue below. UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application UCLA Anderson MBA short answer questions for new applicants Tell us about your MBA goals AND why you are applying to UCLA Anderson now: Describe your short term and long term goals (150 words maximum) Why is UCLA Anderson a good school for you? (150 words maximum) Anderson has reduced its maximum for this question from 500 to 300 words. There is absolutely no room verbosity.   Make sure this essay shows that you’re already a member of the Anderson community by virtue of your values and experience. You just haven’t yet paid tuition. First think about Anderson’s motto: Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change. Read the stories and posts that Anderson provides on each of those values. Watch the relevant videos. Think about the ways you can show that those values are your values while answering the question. To respond to the question itself, first make sure you have professional direction that makes sense. Your short-term goals should be achievable given what you’ve done in the past and an Anderson MBA. Your long-term goals should flow naturally from your short-term goals. If you can fit into the 150 words your motivation for these goals or influences upon their development, go for it A great way to approach this essay would be to discuss an achievement that influenced your goals and reveals you acting in consonance with Anderson’s values (Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change.). Then connect that story to your goals   In the second part of the question, you will discuss UCLA Anderson’s program and your reasons for choosing its MBA program. The focus should organically be on the specific elements and qualities at Anderson that will help you achieve your goals. Avoid writing about elements that Anderson shares with most MBA program. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for new applicants At Anderson, we believe our students are engaged, courageous, humble, and open. Describe a time when you demonstrated one of these traits in your personal life. (250 words maximum) This is a new question and it is a behavioral question First choose an experience that shows you exhibiting one of the traits listed. It could be a challenge you faced with humility, an achievement where you took risks, a community service activity were your participation was key, or many other situations. It should be a succinct story or anecdote from your personal life not your job. It can be about a community service involvement or a personal situation. It can show you involved and committed to the arts, sports, an ethnic, religious, or political group or cause. The options are endless. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for reapplicants Please describe your career progress since you last applied and how you have enhanced your candidacy. Include information on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (500 words maximum) This is the key question in every MBA reapplication: How have you enhanced your candidacy? Career progress is an obvious place to start and something you must address, but if academics were a weakness, then what have you done since you last applied to show you can excel at Anderson? Finally, if your career goals have evolved since you last applied, discuss that evolution. UCLA Anderson MBA optional question (available to all applicants) Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. If there are extenuating circumstances that would add perspective or context for a weakness, you can discuss them here. A few years ago, UCLA added the following: â€Å"Please do not submit redundant information in the Optional Essay.† Good advice for all optional questions. For more suggestions, please see Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them. For expert guidance with your UCLA Anderson MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to UCLA Anderson’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! ; UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released   Round 1 October 2, 2019 December 18, 2019   Round 2 January 8, 2020 March 26, 2020   Round 3 April 16, 2020 May 21, 2020 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The  Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  5 Fatal Flaws to  Avoid in Your MBA Application Essay, a free guide †¢ Why Does an MD Need an MBA? This UCLA MD/MBA Student Tells All, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚  The B-School Selectivity Index: Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive UCLA Anderson MBA Application Essay Tips and Deadlines [2019-2020] Accepted’s B-School Selectivity Index shows that UCLA Anderson is 14th in selectivity and 16th in U.S. News’ ranking. Its average GMAT is 716, up one point from last year and the year before. However, the acceptance rate at Anderson has climbed a bit from 20.7% for the class that entered in 2016 to 22.3% for the class that entered in 2017 to 24.3% for the class that entered in 2018. Even that increased acceptance rate means 3 out of every 4 applicants are rejected. So let’s look at advice for submitting a stellar application, which requires a 500-word goals essay and a 300-word short answer. In essence, the longer question is about how you intend to benefit professionally from an Anderson MBA and the short question asks how you will benefit the Anderson community: What will you get from and what will you give to Anderson -and I don’t mean donations as an alum? The essay advice that UCLA Anderson provides on its website is excellent, not just for Anderson’s essays, but for most MBA essays. Read it carefully. Our advice is in blue below. UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application UCLA Anderson MBA short answer questions for new applicants Tell us about your MBA goals AND why you are applying to UCLA Anderson now: Describe your short term and long term goals (150 words maximum) Why is UCLA Anderson a good school for you? (150 words maximum) Anderson has reduced its maximum for this question from 500 to 300 words. There is absolutely no room verbosity.   Make sure this essay shows that you’re already a member of the Anderson community by virtue of your values and experience. You just haven’t yet paid tuition. First think about Anderson’s motto: Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change. Read the stories and posts that Anderson provides on each of those values. Watch the relevant videos. Think about the ways you can show that those values are your values while answering the question. To respond to the question itself, first make sure you have professional direction that makes sense. Your short-term goals should be achievable given what you’ve done in the past and an Anderson MBA. Your long-term goals should flow naturally from your short-term goals. If you can fit into the 150 words your motivation for these goals or influences upon their development, go for it A great way to approach this essay would be to discuss an achievement that influenced your goals and reveals you acting in consonance with Anderson’s values (Share success. Think fearlessly. Drive change.). Then connect that story to your goals   In the second part of the question, you will discuss UCLA Anderson’s program and your reasons for choosing its MBA program. The focus should organically be on the specific elements and qualities at Anderson that will help you achieve your goals. Avoid writing about elements that Anderson shares with most MBA program. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for new applicants At Anderson, we believe our students are engaged, courageous, humble, and open. Describe a time when you demonstrated one of these traits in your personal life. (250 words maximum) This is a new question and it is a behavioral question First choose an experience that shows you exhibiting one of the traits listed. It could be a challenge you faced with humility, an achievement where you took risks, a community service activity were your participation was key, or many other situations. It should be a succinct story or anecdote from your personal life not your job. It can be about a community service involvement or a personal situation. It can show you involved and committed to the arts, sports, an ethnic, religious, or political group or cause. The options are endless. UCLA Anderson MBA essay question for reapplicants Please describe your career progress since you last applied and how you have enhanced your candidacy. Include information on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (500 words maximum) This is the key question in every MBA reapplication: How have you enhanced your candidacy? Career progress is an obvious place to start and something you must address, but if academics were a weakness, then what have you done since you last applied to show you can excel at Anderson? Finally, if your career goals have evolved since you last applied, discuss that evolution. UCLA Anderson MBA optional question (available to all applicants) Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum) No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit a response to the optional question. If there are extenuating circumstances that would add perspective or context for a weakness, you can discuss them here. A few years ago, UCLA added the following: â€Å"Please do not submit redundant information in the Optional Essay.† Good advice for all optional questions. For more suggestions, please see Optional Essays: When and How to Write Them. For expert guidance with your UCLA Anderson MBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to UCLA Anderson’s MBA program and look forward to helping you too! ; UCLA Anderson 2019-2020 MBA application deadlines Application Deadline Decisions Released   Round 1 October 2, 2019 December 18, 2019   Round 2 January 8, 2020 March 26, 2020   Round 3 April 16, 2020 May 21, 2020 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; By Linda Abraham, president and founder of Accepted. Linda earned her bachelors and MBA at UCLA, and has been advising applicants since 1994 when she founded Accepted. Linda is the co-founder and first president of AIGAC. She has written or co-authored 13 e-books on the admissions process, and has been quoted by The  Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Poets Quants, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS News, and others. Linda is the host of Admissions Straight Talk, a podcast for graduate school applicants.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  5 Fatal Flaws to  Avoid in Your MBA Application Essay, a free guide †¢ Why Does an MD Need an MBA? This UCLA MD/MBA Student Tells All, a podcast episode †¢Ã‚  The B-School Selectivity Index: Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis Of Homer s The Odyssey - 903 Words

In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, certain characters are granted with the ability to make decisions for themselves, while others must deal with external factors, whether it be fate or divine intervention, that predispose their lives. Similarly, women are predisposed with the inability to make choices for themselves while men are born with the right to uphold power and enforce control over the female gender. Contrary to these gender stereotypes concerning power in a Homeric world, Homer instills Penelope with complete control, while leaving Odysseus with none. It is this distribution of control in Penelope that enables Odysseus to complete his nostos and re-identify himself, therefore pushing the boundaries of gender norms. Throughout the epic poem, Homer deprives Odysseus of any ability of choice, leaving his entire nostos to be controlled by both divine intervention and fate. Zeus first validates Odysseus’s lack of control during a council with the Gods, informing the m to â€Å"work out his journey home so Odysseus can return† (Homer 80). Zeus commands the Gods that it is their responsibility to prescribe Odyssey’s voyage, rather than giving him the ability to make his individual choices. Additionally, after Odysseus blinds Polyphemus, Polyphemus requests to his father, a God, that he â€Å"never reaches home. Or if he’s fated to see his people once again†¦ let him come a broken man† (Homer 9. Pg. 228). Polyphemus’s request, which is later granted, demonstrates the degree in whichShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer1202 Words   |  5 Pagescoping with the idea of losing his father and letting others to rule Ithaca. It is noticeable from the beginning of The Odyssey, written by Homer that Telemachus finds himself in a complicated situation where his life is seen to be in danger. He is a character of being distance from people. The idea of Telemachus becoming his own father, threatens suito r’s control in Ithaca. Homer describes Telemachus as a teenager who has not found himself and is on a mission to become an adult as his father. TelemachusRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer1095 Words   |  5 Pagesused in Homer’s Odyssey is the digression. The digression is departure from the main storyline that does not alter the action of the story, but adds a layer of sentimental content to the plot which usually helps underscore themes central to the story. The digressions in the Odyssey are meticulously written with great attention to detail just like the rest of the epic, and they truly help readers grasp the important aspects of the story. The liberal use of digression in the Odyssey helps build a vividRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer2018 Words   |  9 PagesThe Odyssey by Homer is more light in tone than the Iliad, of the same author: The good wins while the evil is punished. Even though the gods are still strict, the relationship bet ween Odysseus and Athena is a more sincere and equal a relationship than between God and Man in the Iliad. Odysseus is distinguished not only by his bravery, but largely by his intellect and cunning. He is the type of resourceful man whom never gives up, thinks of the causes, is reverent and never gives in. The Odyssey isRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey, By Homer915 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the Odyssey, the hero, Odysseus is portrayed in two different and contradicting lights: the wise hero and the capricious leader blinded by his own pride. The epic writer, Homer, embodies the theme of hubris throughout Odysseus’ journey home. The idea of hubris, a trait of excessive pride, significantly develops personalities of characters within The Odyssey, and Homer ultimately creates a statement about excessive pride. The dual portrayal of Odysseus leads the reader to ultimatelyRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer Essay1479 Words   |  6 Pages The word â€Å"Family†, according to Merriam Webster, is thought to be a group of people brought together by common affiliation. The same cannot be said for the culture in the Odyssey by Homer. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is trying to get back home from fighting in the Trojan War. He has been away from home for almost 20 years longing to just be reunited with his kinfolk. Along the way, he comes across many obstacles that hinders him from reaching his home and family in in Ithaca. Luckily, the memoriesRead MoreAnalysis Of Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey2253 Words   |  10 Pagesand Midwifery Council, 2006). The literature surrounding the subject of mentorship is vast and fails to provide a single definition, however the terms used are often similar. Colley (2000) writes that the word mentor originated in Homer’s poem ‘Odyssey’ in which the character oversees the development of Telemachus. Usually mentoring describes the process of an experienced team member using their skills and knowledge to educate and develop a junior or less skilled co-worker (Chartered Institute ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 1483 Words   |  6 PagesViolence in The Odyssey Violence in Literature can take any form, whether it be natural disaster like and earthquake or a human based disaster like war (Campbell). In Homer’s The Odyssey both types are found†¦ whether it’s Odysseus’s hardships like making it home or dealing with the wrath of the god Poseidon. Every violent scene has its own reasons, some are more reasonable than others. For instance, the gods were angered by the disobedience of the mortals, this is more reasonable than the killingRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 795 Words   |  4 Pages Odysseus Epic Hero In the Epic, â€Å"The Odyssey, spoken by Homer, conveys a heroic tale of an epic hero named, Odysseus, who faces many challenges as he sails to get home. One of the tasks Odysseus faces is, The Sirens, who challenge Odysseus s will power. Another challenge Odysseus encounters is, â€Å"The Cyclops, who torments and slaughters some of Odysseus s men due to his curiosity. One of the hardest threats he had to confront was, â€Å"The Land ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey1636 Words   |  7 PagesGreek society, Homer’s The Odyssey provides a detailed insight into the values of this intricate culture. In particular, this epic discusses the ways in which the deathless gods influence the fates of the mortals. The overall impact of the gods’ power is the mental straining that emerges from the unrelenting conflict of man versus immortal. Likewise, the actions and misfortunes of others also catalyze this extremely significant and powerful mental battle. Homerâ€⠄¢s The Odyssey reveals the values of ancientRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 1128 Words   |  5 Pages The Odyssey shows a lot of different stereotypes for women throughout the book, taking action to get what they want. Odysseus is trying to get back home after ten long years since the fall of troy, and his son is going out to find him. Throughout the book Odysseus meets lots of woman who vary in personality. He meets woman with the stereotypes: â€Å"mantis†- dominant, eats its mate, destroys to gain power, feared by many. â€Å"Damsel in distress†- persecuted maiden, woman placed in a dire predicament requires

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien - 903 Words

For many years war has been a huge part of history. Thousands of people go to war for their country and come back physically fine. But what people usually do not notice is the emotional distress and burden that the veterans come back with on their back. That is what drives the purpose of the book in â€Å"The things they carried†. Tim O’Brien wrote this book in way that shows how war can be part of the soldier for the rest of their life. Coming home veterans have to deal with individual sufferings, but the emotional baggage the soldiers bring also effect the people around them. The characters in the book the â€Å"The things they carried† portray this very well. Once soldiers are home, they deal with a lot of mental distress. That is so because when they are at war soldiers must undergo extreme stress on the battlefield. â€Å"Among the consequences of war, the impact on the mental health of the civilian population is one of the most significant† (Murphy and Lakshminarayana). Soldiers have to witness killings and sometimes witness their partner being killed as well. In â€Å"The things they carried† Jensen is a character that tumbles into the mental problem, PTSD. Jensen breaks Strunk’s nose just because he is missing a jackknife (O’Brien 63). That is because the chaos of the war is bottled up inside of Jenson and is making him break. That is causing him to react at stupid situations. In a study conducted by R. Srinivasa Murphy and Rashmi Lakshminarayana, forty-two percent of the individualsShow MoreRelatedThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien892 Words   |  4 PagesThe Vietnam War was a long, exhausting, and traumatic experience for all of the soldiers and those who came with them. The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien illustrates the different affects the war had on a variety of people: Jacqueline Navarra Rhoads, a former nurse during the Vietnam war, demonstrates these effects within her own memoir in the book, The Forgotten Veterans. Both sources exemplify many tribulations, while sharing a common thread of suffering from mental unpredictability. DesensitizationRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1377 Words   |  6 Pageslove to have it as good as we do. Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried discusses many veterans who experience the burden of shame and guilt daily due to their heroic actions taken during the Vietnam War. The book shows you how such a war can change a man before, during, and after it’s over.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As I reflect on the many conflicts America has been a part of, none can compare to the tragedies that occurred in The Vietnam war. As told in The Things They Carried (O’Brien), characters such as NormanRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1457 Words   |  6 Pagesthe theme pertains to everyone regardless of their background. It conveys the same ideas to people from all across our society. Lastly, a classic is timeless, which means it has transcended the time in which it was written. In Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, he offers a new, intriguing way to view war or just life in general and also meets all of the crucial requirements mentioned above to qualify it as a book of literary canon. Though this book is technically a war novel, many peopleRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1242 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Tim O’Brien is obsessed with telling a true war story. O Brien s fiction about the Vietnam experience suggest, lies not in realistic depictions or definitive accounts. As O’Brien argues, absolute occurrence is irrelevant because a true war story does not depend upon that kind of truth. Mary Ann’s induction into genuine experience is clearly destructive as well as empowering† (p.12) Tim O’s text, The Things they Carried, details his uses of word choice to portray his tone and bias. Tim O’BrienRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1004 Words   |  5 Pages Tim O’Brien is a veteran from of the Vietnam War, and after coming home from his duty he decided to be a writer. His work â€Å"The Things They Carried† is about a group of soldiers that are fighting in the Vietnam War. The first pa rt of the story talks mostly about physical items that each soldier carries, and also mentions the weight of the items as well. Though, there is one exception to the list of physical things. Lieutenant Cross is a character of the story, and Tim O’ Brien quickly states theRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1169 Words   |  5 Pagesbut are set in the past and borrows things from that time period. A story that fits this genre of literature is The Things They Carried. The story is about Tim O Brien, a Vietnam veteran from the Unite States, who tells stories about what had happened when he and his team were stationed in Vietnam. He also talks about what he felt about the war when he was drafted and what he tried to do to avoid going to fight in Vietnam. The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien was precise with its portrayal of settingRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien896 Words   |  4 PagesTrouble without a doubt is what First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross c arried around his shoulders because he was out in war, where mistakes happen. Lost and unknown of his surroundings he had to lead his men into safety, while destroying anything they found. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross only holds onto one thing for hope and that is Martha, the woman who he hopes is a virgin to come back to. Tim O’ Brien introduces symbolism by adding a character that has a meaning of purity and a pebble, which symbolizesRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay832 Words   |  4 PagesSummary: â€Å"By and large they carried these things inside, maintaining the masks of composure† (21). In Tim O’brien’s The Things They Carried, the American soldiers of the Vietnam War carry much more than the weight of their equipment, much more than souvenirs or good-luck charms or letters from home. They carried within themselves the intransitive burdens—of fear, of cowardice, of love, of loneliness, of anger, of confusion. Most of all, they carry the truth of what happened to them in the war—aRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1369 Words   |  6 PagesMany authors use storytelling as a vehicle to convey the immortality of past selves and those who have passed to not only in their piece of literature but in their life as an author. In Tim O’Brien’s work of fiction The Things They Carried, through his final chapter â€Å"The Lives of the Dead,† O Brien conveys that writing is a matter of survival since, the powers of s torytelling can ensure the immortality of all those who were significant in his life. Through their immortality, O’Brien has the abilityRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1407 Words   |  6 Pages       Our introduction stated that in â€Å"The Things They Carried,† author Tim O’Brien tells us not directly of the soldiers of Vietnam, or the situations they find themselves in, but about the things they carry on their shoulders and in their pockets. These â€Å"things† identify the characters and bring them to life.   I find that to be true as the author unfolds the stories about war and the uncommon things one carries in to war both inadvertently and on purpose.  Ã‚  Ã‚  As it was noted: Stories about war –

Warped Tour Concert Experience free essay sample

For Warped is an adjective defined as disapproving, humorous, strange, and unpleasant. One would think that a music event titled Van’s Warped Tour would be crazy or different; some may even think badly upon it. To the fans who attend this concert every summer, it means so much more. It is a replacement of all negative aspects of outside life with a unity bound by a common love of music. I can guarantee that anyone who goes to this concert will be able to experience a different atmosphere that differs greatly from that of everyday life. It can be said that Warped Tour can be looked as the modern day Woodstock. At its basics, Warped Tour is a concert and festival held every summer. Bands follow the tour all around the United States and some of Canada. Many stages, merchandise tents, and food stands line the grounds of the venue. We will write a custom essay sample on Warped Tour Concert Experience or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At the center of all the festivities is the blow-up schedule which tells you what time and at what stage a band is playing. Also, clearly labeled are first aid tents that can prove very crucial if an injury is to occur. Lastly and most importantly, the people that go to Warped Tour are the ones that set this event apart from any other day concert because they build the unified atmosphere, which is what sticks with me every year once the day ends. Many attendees of this concert come from different walks of line, but the music is what we can all come together and enjoy as one. About five stages will cover the grounds of Monmouth County Raceway at the Oceanport date; all of which will house very different bands with very different styles of music. On one stage, The Ready Set will be performing ‘Young Forever,’ but at the next stage over Asking Alexandria is just starting the first verse of ‘A Candlelit Dinner with Inamorta. ’ Knowing these bands, one would be able to understand the variety of artists playing this tour. This diversity gives concert-goers the opportunity to see bands of all genres and makes the forty five dollar tickets worth every penny. Like any concert, depending on which bands you see, you will be faced with completely varying crowds. A crowd for Stephen Jerzak, a pop-punk love songwriter, is going to be a ‘sway-back-and-forth and sing-along’ kind of crowd where everyone is calm and laid back. Whereas a crowd for Attack Attack, a hardcore ‘screamo’ band, is going to have a crowd filled with lots of pushing, crowd surfing, walls of death, and ‘moshpits. ’ One has to know what they are getting into before going into a crowd where he could get potentially hurt. My dad always tells me to stay back to avoid danger, but being right by the stage while your favorite band is playing is worth any inflicted injury. Although one would think a crowd is very brutal or unforgiving, from experience, if one falls or gets hurt, anyone will give you a hand and make sure that person is okay. Any band that plays at Warped Tour has a ‘merch’ tent. Here is where one can buy a t-shirt, bracelet, or poster for the band. If one is lucky, the band members will be there signing merchandise. Everyone knows that a tent with a huge line is where a signing is taking place. It is a great opportunity to meet and greet the band and get their apparel that generally one can’t find at his local mall. Personally, I spend most of my money on goods instead of food or drinks. It’s nice to have some memorabilia from Warped Tour and be able to support the bands. I’ve purchased everything from shirts and shorts to Frisbees and guitar picks. After going to Warped Tour for three years now, I can see myself going for many years to come. I enjoy the music, people, and atmosphere of the whole festival. It will always be the highlight of my summer and possibly the highlight of my year. Some people may say it’s crazy, but Warped Tour and the music that comes along with it will forever be the factor that sculpts me and my generation. One can bet that I can always be found on the grounds of Monmouth County Raceway on that hot day in the end of July that Warped Tour is held.